
All databases are available in every branch of the Birmingham Public Library, unless otherwise noted. A JCLC library card can be used to access many of the databases, however licensing restrictions force us to limit access to certain databases to residents of Birmingham.

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Subject Applicable Databases
Bringing you hundreds of thousands of movies, full music albums, audiobooks and more, hoopla is a revolutionary digital service made possible by your local library. From Hollywood blockbusters to best selling artists and authors – not just the hits, but the niche and hard-to-find as well – you’ll... learn more
Requires a JCLC card and residence in Birmingham, AL.
Full Text Available.
Remote Access Available.
Kanopy is a video streaming platform for libraries with one of the largest collections in the world (5x Netflix) - over 30,000 films featuring over 1,000 producers including Criterion Collection, Media Education Foundation, Great Courses, Kino Lorber, etc. Our films are more typically "educative"... learn more
Requires a JCLC card and residence in Birmingham, AL.
Remote Access Available.
Mango is an online language learning system that teaches real conversation skills for practical communication. Through fun and engaging interactive lessons, Mango makes learning a new language fast, easy and incredibly effective. The system is completely web-based and remotely accessible, so you... learn more
Requires a JCLC card and residence in Birmingham, AL.
Remote Access Available.
Mango Movies is the first and only language and culture learning system that teaches through film - learning a language has never been this fun. Language lovers across North America have used the fully interactive feature films to master new languages. Mango Movies contain authentic language and... learn more
Requires a JCLC card and residence in Birmingham, AL.
Remote Access Available.
Page Last Modified: 6/13/2024 12:09 PM