
All databases are available in every branch of the Birmingham Public Library, unless otherwise noted. A JCLC library card can be used to access many of the databases, however licensing restrictions force us to limit access to certain databases to residents of Birmingham.

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LingoLITE helps users learn basic words and phrases in 30 languages using interactive native speaker videos. LingoLITE is a vocabulary builder and contains thousands of native speaker video clips in 30 languages including Spanish, French, Italian, German, Chinese, Japanese, Chinese, Farsi, Hindi, German, Swahili, Thai, and 18 others. The LingoLITE system helps users learn vocabulary up to four times faster than any other method. LingoLITE was designed anyone who wants to learn basic terms and phrases in a new language. The resource has glossaries for greetings, introductions, food, transportation, relations, numbers, and more.


Requires a JCLC card and residence in Birmingham, AL.
Full Text Available.
Remote Access Available.


Exams/Test Preparation
Online Learning
Society & Culture



Page Last Modified: 6/13/2024 12:09 PM