
All databases are available in every branch of the Birmingham Public Library, unless otherwise noted. A JCLC library card can be used to access many of the databases, however licensing restrictions force us to limit access to certain databases to residents of Birmingham.

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[Inside-library; for OFF-SITE select the Outside Library option from Databases page; must create or use existing NYT account free of charge]. Enjoy Complimentary All Access to New York Times News, Games, Cooking, Wirecutter, and The Athletic from anywhere via 24-hour access codes. Once on the Landing Page, the access code will be provided for a simple login experience. Patrons are directed to click Redeem. At this point patrons create a new account or log in to their current account if they’ve already registered. The patron will then see a confirmation screen and have access to everything The New York Times has to offer: News, Games, Cooking, Wirecutter and The Athletic during this 24-hour period.


Requires a JCLC card and residence in Birmingham, AL.
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Page Last Modified: 6/13/2024 12:09 PM