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Birmingham Public Library Board Minutes


February 12, 2019

4:30 p.m.

Central Library Boardroom

Meeting Called By

James A. Sullivan, President

Type of Meeting

Regular Board Meeting


Trustees: James Sullivan (president), Willie S. Davis III (vice-president), Gwendolyn Amamoo, Fatima Carter, Kimberly Richardson, Eunice Johnson Rogers, Judge Scott Vowell, Advisory Member Present: Patricia B. Rumore, Friends Foundation President Staff Present: Floyd Council, Executive Director; Damien Baity, Chief Financial Officer; Acting Administrative Assistant to the Executive Director, Kimberley Wiley; Edith Major, Personnel Officer; Melvia Walton, Community Engagement; Caleb West, Collection Management; Yolanda Hardy, Eastern/Southern Regional Manager along with staff Amanda Jenkins, Saundra Ross, Teresa Ceravolo, and Karnecia Williams; Janine Langston, Northern/Western Regional Manager along with staff Jennifer Patrick, Maya Jones, Heather McWilliams, Alisha Johnson and Loretta Bitten; Karyn Davis, Central Regional Manager along with staff Bessie Miller, Jiemin Fan, Jim Murray, Maurice Harley, Mary Beth Newbill, and Roy Williams Others Present: Kevin Owens, City Of Birmingham, Judge Shera Grant, Sam Prickett, Birmingham Watch, Kay Kinner, Past employee

Call to Order


Floyd Council introduced all Regional Managers Janine Langston, Yolanda Hardy and Karyn Davis. He then expressed that there is a copy of the Library’s Annual Report for 2017 – 2018 year for everyone to read. Mr. Council stated the Annual Report was a body of work from the team, although the publication was prepared by Roy Williams and his PR team. Mr. Council stated that Project Management was an amazing experience for us and it was also team building. Mr. Council stated that he will cherish this experience for the rest of his professional life.

Mr. Council reported that the big highlights of the 2017-2021 Strategic Plan will put us completely in line with the Mayors Strategic Plan. Mr. Council stated the Library has been charged with the Mayor’s Strategic Plan, and it is a huge point to the element of the Mayor’s Strategic Plan which is 1st Century Workforce and Development. Mr. Council stated we are a part of a huge project with Southern New Hampshire Development, one of the impactful pilots in the country. Southern New Hampshire has 136,000 students in the military community and otherwise. The Mayor engaged with Chicago and learned of a company called LRG. The company registered 30,000 students for the Workforce Program. The city liked it so much they went to Chicago and talked to the city of Chicago who talked to ALFA, and during this process they met with the leadership Southern New Hampshire has made trips to Birmingham. Sandi Lee and Kimberly Richardson, trustee engaged with them to find out the discovery process.We have another meeting for the end of February to possibly set up a Micro site at our Five Points Library. We initially looked at putting the Micro site in Linn Henley. Strategically our goal is to change lives through education, technology and community. Mr. Council said in the Annual Review the biggest highlight was a jump in library cards. During last year’s physical year we registered 10,000 library cards. Mr. Council stated the ranking of library visits are pretty consistent and really haven’t changed a whole lot but print circulations have declined. Mr. Council expressed some surprises from our smaller libraries, Eastwood and Inglenook sometimes fall at the lower level of our library visits but they are rocking in circulation.Mr. Council said he would be happy to answer any questions from Board Members concerning the Annual Report. As everyone looked through the report Mr. Council informed everyone that the print circulation is tremendously declining. He also explained that we are not defining ourselves by the number of books we are checking out. He said it’s about attacking people in their everyday lives. Mr. Council said BPL has years of preserving the past but also securing the future. Mr. Council stated this is not just his report, because he’s just the messenger. The report is a reflection of what everyone does on a daily.

Mrs. Hardy introduced the managers of the Eastern and Southern Regions and asked them to stand.

Mrs. Hardy told her staff, "Thank you so very much for all you do."

Mrs. Langston introduced her managers of the Western and Northern Regions.

Karyn Davis introduced Central Public Service and stated that we have a wonderful group of people that work downtown. She said that many of them are specialist at what they do but they help everyone on top of working at branches when requested. She introduced the following:

Karyn Davis- West stated, we have several people that multitask. She gave a special thank you to her team and she gave special thanks to Roy Williams who puts out our beautiful Annual Report.

Mr. Council gave a special thanks to the following: Kimberley Wiley who was acting capacity for Mary Little who resigned to work at the Birmingham Art Museum of Art. Edith Majors because she does a wonderful job. World’s best CFO, Damein Baity

Mr. Council concluded the report and thanked the team and he expressed he will continue to thank some of the library staff as he continues to do visits.

Mr. Council asked, if anyone had any questions about the Annual Report and he noted that the report would be released on the site today.

Mr. Sullivan expressed how much he liked the report and was surprised by the staff being present and thanked for them for coming.

Oath of Office by Judge Shera Grant

Approval of Agenda

James A. Sullivan approved the Agenda.

Approval of Consent Agenda

Attorney Malera Wright, City Attorney

Attorney Wright asked to speak with Board concerning Personnel (Under the Executive Session).

Operational Items Requiring Board Approval

Kimberly Richardson recommended we extend the hours of Deputy Director and re-open when we meet the minimum number of five qualified applicants.

James A. Sullivan motioned to approve. The motion was approved.

Finance Reports

Damein Baity reported the revenue is at 22 percent which is (15,679.85) and the expenses are (8,310,382.34) which are at 54 percent.

Mrs. Rodgers asked, Mr. Baity to repeat the numbers.

Mrs. Rodgers said, Thanked everyone.

Kimberly Richardson asked why the revenue was 22 percent.

Mr. Baity explained we have a little in getting the revenue over to the city because most of it is credit cards. He said looking back at the report before coming in, it was really at 31 percent. Mr. Baity explained the expenses represented what was paid for personnel and the revenue is money received. The library fund budget is 71.28 percent which is 43,330.69 and as of January 31, 2019 we have 280,470.15 at

Kimberly Richardson asked where there any funds that we should be pulling from that are not on the schedule review.

Damein stated that Karyn Davis-West has one fund but we have justification for it. It was for our security line and working to get contracts approved. Mr. Baity stated, in The Committee of the Whole Community they were going to ask for additional funds to better staff the library. Mr. Baity stated something is planned next month to start working on this.

Mr. Council let the Board know Kimberley Wiley was replacing every ones packets due to a technical error.

Mrs. Rodgers asked, where is the revenue from the passports going and what has it been used towards?

Damein Baity stated the revenue has only been used for expenses to do the passports and for the cost of starting the notary service.

Eunice Johnson- Rodgers asked what are the plans are for the money.

Mr. Council stated some staff where not happy with having to do passports he wanted to do something to boost staff morale. He wanted to use the money on Staff day if the city allows us to fund some things. Mr. Council is working on a major project titled Citizen Services. We will provide passports, notary services, and several other services. Some will generate revenue and some but it builds a brand for the library.

Mrs. Carter asked are we advertising Notary Services yet.

Mr. Council stated that not yet.

Mrs. Richardson stated, that we need to start advertising Passports because of Spring Break and students and families want to take last minute trips. We will probably see a spike in revenue due to this Mrs. Rodgers stated that lot post offices are doing passports.

Mr. Council said, we will get right on it and it’s just a matter of getting a design. He said we will have something in 2 weeks to 30 days and getting something on Facebook because that is a good source of getting information out.

Kimberly Richardson said, that will be too late and we need to get to pushing something out.

Mrs. Karyn Davis- West informed the Board that we can put something out quickly since we have information already printed. Mr. Council stated the next project we will like to do is to feature board members that plan to travel soon in a 30 minute radio segment. Mrs. Rodgers stated that the net revenue for passports will be going towards Staff Development if she understands correctly.

Mr. Council stated that the money has been going towards cost recovery but the priority will be to Staff Development.

James A. Sullivan motioned to approve. The motion was approved

Reports of the Committees

There was no unfinished business

Policy Committee

Special Called Meeting of the Whole

Long-Range Planning Committee
There was no unfinished business

Personnel Committee Report
There was no unfinished business

Nominating Committee
There was no unfinished business

Unfinished Business

There was no unfinished business

New Business

Board Members' Comments

Next Board Meeting is Tuesday, March 12, 2019

The meeting was adjourned at 6:23 p.m.

Submitted By

Floyd Council, Secretary

2024-01-10 14:07