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Alabama Coal Mine Fatalities, 1898-1938  
About this Database
The Alabama Coal Mine Fatalities Database consists of 2188 records compiled by the staff of the Government Documents Department using available annual reports of Alabama mine inspectors from 1898 through 1938.
"Year of Report" refer to the year of the annual report in which a specific miner's death was listed. In some cases, the death may have occurred in the days, weeks, or months following the actual incident. Information for some years may be incomplete or unavailable.
Database Coverage (as of Jul 27, 2024)
Years Indexed: 1898, 1900, 1902, 1912-1921, 1923-1929, 1934-1938
Bibliographic Sources
  • Alabama. Inspectors of Coal Mines. Biennial Report of the Inspectors of Mines.
      Birmingham, Ala.: Birmingham Printing Co., 1892 - 1910.
      Rare Book Room - Southern History Department (by appointment only).
  • Alabama. Office of State Mine Inspectors. Annual Report of Coal Mines, State of Alabama.
      Birmingham, Ala.:Dispatch Print. & Stationery, 1912 - 1921; 1923 - 1929; 1934 - 1938.
      HD3663.A2 A33 - Government Documents Department (Stacks).
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