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Shadow Lawn Memorial Gardens Cemetery Interments  
About this Database
The Birmingham Public Library Archives, in cooperation with the Shadow Lawn Memorial Gardens Maintenance and Perpetual Care Association, and supported by funds from the Association and a generous donation from CSX Corporation, has made this database available to help family members and other researchers locate and verify grave sites at Shadow Lawn.
The cemetery is located at 1600 12th Street Southwest in Birmingham, Alabama. Shadow Lawn was originally deeded in 1889 as a "colored" burial ground and is the largest African American cemetery in Birmingham. The original records of the cemetery, dating from the late 1930s, are preserved in the BPL Archives and are available for research. The whereabouts of the earlier cemetery records is not known.
Tips on Searching
  • Starts With - search by the first letter or letters of a name
  • Contains - search for a letter or letters anywhere in the name
  • Is Exactly - search a name exactly as spelled
See the interactive plot map here.
Database Coverage (as of Jul 27, 2024)
Years Indexed: 1938 - 2007 (Some records are not dated)
Names indexed: ABBOTT to ZUBER (Some records have no last name included)
More Information
For more information on the Shadow Lawn Memorial Gardens Maintenance and Perpetual Care Association, write P.O. Box 2919, Birmingham, AL 35202 or call Valerie Clark, 205-253-0844.