
All databases are available in every branch of the Birmingham Public Library, unless otherwise noted. A JCLC library card can be used to access many of the databases, however licensing restrictions force us to limit access to certain databases to residents of Birmingham.

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Subject Applicable Databases
The Alabama Virtual Library provides all students, teachers and residents of the State of Alabama with 24/7 online access to premier library and information resources free of charge. It is primarily a group of online databases that have magazine, journal, and newspaper articles for research.... learn more
Requires a JCLC card.
Full Text Available.
Remote Access Available.
The Birmingham Black Radio Museum chronicles and catalogs the history of Black radio in Birmingham from the mid 1930’s through the 1980’s. BBRM creates and makes available an interactive web-based archive for researchers and the public and develops exhibition spaces for the BBRM collection and... learn more
Publicly Available.
Remote Access Available.
Encyclopædia Britannica Online includes the complete encyclopedia, as well as Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary and Thesaurus, Britannica Student Encyclopedia and the Britannica Book of the Year. Through this service, you can find more than 118,000 articles, updated and revised by... learn more
Requires a JCLC card.
Full Text Available.
Remote Access Available.
Britannica Online Public Library Edition contains 4 full encyclopedias, the Encyclopædia Britannica, Compton’s by Britannica, Britannica Elementary Encyclopedia, and Britannica Concise Encyclopedia each covering the research needs of a different age group. Along with this encyclopedia content,... learn more
Requires a JCLC card.
Full Text Available.
Remote Access Available.
Britannica Online School Edition offers teachers and students access to three complete encyclopedias, the Encyclopedia Britannica, the Britannica Student Encyclopedia and the Britannica Elementary Encyclopedia that ensure consistency with classroom-topics and age-appropriate language. Teacher and... learn more
Requires a JCLC card.
Full Text Available.
Remote Access Available.
Encyclopædia Britannica Online includes the complete encyclopedia, as well as Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary and Thesaurus, Britannica Student Encyclopedia and the Britannica Book of the Year. Through this service, you can find more than 118,000 articles, updated and revised by... learn more
Requires a JCLC card.
Full Text Available.
Remote Access Available.
Britannica Online Public Library Edition contains 4 full encyclopedias, the Encyclopædia Britannica, Compton’s by Britannica, Britannica Elementary Encyclopedia, and Britannica Concise Encyclopedia each covering the research needs of a different age group. Along with this encyclopedia content,... learn more
Requires a JCLC card.
Full Text Available.
Remote Access Available.
Britannica Online School Edition offers teachers and students access to three complete encyclopedias, the Encyclopedia Britannica, the Britannica Student Encyclopedia and the Britannica Elementary Encyclopedia that ensure consistency with classroom-topics and age-appropriate language. Teacher and... learn more
Requires a JCLC card.
Full Text Available.
Remote Access Available.
The Encyclopedia of Alabama is a free, online reference resource on Alabama’s history, culture, geography, and natural environment. It was developed through a partnership of the Alabama Humanities Foundation and Auburn University. learn more
Publicly Available.
Remote Access Available.
The Encyclopedia of Life brings together information about all life on earth - text, images, video, sounds, maps, classifications and more - all freely available on-line. But EOL is much more than 1.9 million taxon pages. Explore EOL to find information for a paper, poster or class project, make... learn more
Publicly Available.
Remote Access Available.
EBSCO's database interface designed for elementary and middle school students. Replaces Searchasaurus, Kids Search, and Student Research Center. learn more
Requires a JCLC card.
Full Text Available.
Remote Access Available.
For students and adults alike, the New World Encyclopedia indexes over 25,000 full-text articles covering an array of topics. The database contains images, brief biographies and information in a variety of subject areas. learn more
Requires a JCLC card.
Full Text Available.
Remote Access Available.
Gale Virtual Reference Library delivers a wealth of eBook reference content in a database format, allowing libraries to choose exactly which titles to make available to their patrons. The sources that Gale Virtual Reference Library offers in eBook format include multi-volume encyclopedias,... learn more
Requires a JCLC card.
Full Text Available.
Remote Access Available.
A general interest database that integrates a variety of sources - newspapers, reference books, magazines, and trade publications. Find articles on current events, popular culture, business and industry trends, the arts and sciences, sports, hobbies, and more. learn more
Requires a JCLC card.
Full Text Available.
Remote Access Available.
The Getty vocabularies are intended to provide terminology and other information about the objects, artists, concepts, and places important to various disciplines that specialize in art, architecture and material culture. The TGN includes names and associated information about places. Places in TGN... learn more
Publicly Available.
Remote Access Available.
EBSCO's database interface designed for elementary and middle school students. Replaces Searchasaurus, Kids Search, and Student Research Center. learn more
Requires a JCLC card.
Full Text Available.
Remote Access Available.
English Language Dictionary learn more
Publicly Available.
Remote Access Available.
The Oxford English Dictionary Online provides unparalleled access to the wealth of material contained in the acclaimed 20-volume Second Edition of the Oxford English Dictionary and the 3 volumes of Additions. Online publication also enables the "treasure house" of the English language to move with... learn more
Requires a JCLC card.
Full Text Available.
Remote Access Available.
Oxford Reference Online Premium brings together language and subject reference works from one of the world's biggest reference publishers into a single cross-searchable resource.The Core Collection contains over 100 dictionary, language reference, and subject reference works published by Oxford... learn more
Requires a JCLC card.
Full Text Available.
Remote Access Available.
EBSCO's database interface designed for elementary and middle school students. Replaces Searchasaurus, Kids Search, and Student Research Center. learn more
Requires a JCLC card.
Full Text Available.
Remote Access Available.
Page Last Modified: 6/13/2024 12:09 PM