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Feb. 17, 2016
Library Magazines
PMLA is the journal of the Modern Language Association of America. Since 1884, PMLA has published members' essays judged to be of interest to scholars and teachers of language and literature.
Central Library holdings
English Language Notes (ELN) is a journal of English and American language and literature for literate readers as well as academics.
Central Library holdings
PAPER Central Arts Magazines Lib. Has v.1 (1963)-v.8 (1971),v.11(1973
Central Library holdings
PAPER: v.1 (1906)-v.73 (1976), paper issues kept until microform arrives MICROFILM:v.74 (1977)-v.80 (Fall 1983) MICROFICHE:v.81 (1984)-
Online availability
from 1975/01/01 to present
A Quarterly Official Publication of the College Language Association
Central Library holdings
PAPER Central Arts Magazines Lib. Has v.1 (Nov. 1957)-v.2 (Dec. 1958),v.3 (Sept. 1959)-v.3 (March 1960),v.11 (Sept. 1967)-v.11 (March 1968),v.13 (Sept. 1969)-v.13 (June 1970),v.16 (Sept. 1972)-v.16 (June 1973),v.18 (Sept. 1974)-v.18 (June 1975),v.19 (Sept. 1975)-v.19 (June 1976),v.21 (Sept. 1977)-v.21 (March 1978),v.22 (Sept. 1978)-v.22 (June 1979),v.23 (Sept. 1979)-v.23 (March 1980),v.24 (Sept. 1980)-v.24 (June 1981),v.26 (Sept. 1982)-
Full-text magazines on database only
Page Last Modified: 4/4/2024 12:12 PM