Birmingham Public Library - Virtual Library - Subject Resources - Elections and Voting
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Last Updated
Dec. 17, 2021
The Elections and Voting Resource Page presents library material concerning local, state, and national elections in the United States.
Voter Registration - Alabama

The Alabama Votes website is maintained by the Office of the Alabama Secretary of State. On the Alabama Votes Register to Vote/Update Your Information page, residents have three ways they can register to vote in Alabama:

1) Submit an application electronically online

2) Download the Alabama Mail-in Voter Registration Form

3) Request a Voter Registration Form be mailed to your addresss

Downloaded forms and mailed forms should be filled out and returned to the local board of registrars in the county in which the registrant resides.

Alabama voters can find answers to your questions about topics such as eligibility for an absentee ballot, applying for an absentee ballot, and casting an absentee ballot.
Voter Registration - Jefferson County

The website of the Jefferson County Board of Registrars includes a list of locations in the county where residents can register to vote. It also includes a list of polling locations by precinct number and maps of voting districts in Jefferson County.

The Jefferson County Republican Party website includes non-partisan, unbiased step by step instructions on absentee balloting in Jefferson County.
African-American History Online covers topics such as affirmative action, Africa, black nationalism, civil rights, emancipation, free blacks, the Harlem Renaissance, migrations, racial violence and hate crimes, religion, slave living conditions, slave liberation strategies, social work and philanthropy, sports, and visual arts.
Requires a JCLC card.
Introductory Tour  Requires Flash
Video Tutorial  Video tutorial by BPL on YouTube (length 4:01)
The Oxford African American Studies Center provides students, teachers, and scholars with an authoritative and comprehensive source on the African American experience. The site is comprised of five major encyclopedias and content from eighteen additional reference sources from Oxford University Press, including more than 8,000 articles by top scholars in the field. The Oxford African American Studies Center combines the authority of carefully edited reference works with sophisticated technology to create the most comprehensive collection of scholarship available online to focus on the lives and events which have shaped African American and African history and culture.
Requires a JCLC card and residence in Birmingham, AL.
Guided Tour  Flash presentation.
Video Tutorial  Video tutorial by BPL on YouTube (length 6:45)
Page Last Modified: 4/4/2024 12:12 PM