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Last Updated
Feb. 9, 2010
Imagine a world in which ultimate power rested in the hands of those with the most advanced knowledge of mathematics. That's the premise of this series of mathematical problem-solving games. On their assigned missions in this strange world, players will encounter challenges to their knowledge of various mathematical concepts.
This collection of interactive exercises is designed to test students grasp of various concepts and operations in mathematics. The roughly 150 activities are divided into the following topical categories: Number and Operations; Geometry; Algebra; Probability; Statistics; Modeling; Discrete; and Other.
Description is dedicated to providing revolutionary ways for students, parents, teachers, and everyone to learn math. Combining educationally sound principles with proprietary technology, offers a unique experience that quickly guides the user to the solutions they need and the products they want.
Math Tools is a project of The Math Forum @ Drexel, funded in part by the National Science Foundation. The goal is to create a community digital library that supports the use and development of software for mathematics education.
S.O.S. MATHematics is your free resource for math review material from Algebra to Differential Equations!
Page Last Modified: 4/4/2024 12:12 PM