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Guide Information
Last Updated
Mar. 23, 2023

Whether you're starting a business or doing general business research, the Business, Science & Technology Department at the Central Library can assist you with your endeavors. The department has an extensive collection of databases, as well books, magazines, and newspapers covering most major business subjects, including industry information, commerce, statistics, banking, economics, finance, investment, marketing, and more. Reference Librarians are available to assist patrons in acquiring information and materials to help them navigate the path of entrepreneurship.

Databases - Business Plans and Start Up Assistance
Provides a wide selection of Alabama legal forms across the most popular legal areas. Includes real estate contracts, wills, pre-marital agreements, bankruptcy, divorce, landlord tenant and many others. Also included is a comprehensive attorney state directory and a dictionary of legal definitions explained in laymen's language. Also, via
Requires a JCLC card.
Product Overview  HTML document
Video Tutorial  Video tutorial by BPL on YouTube (length 4:32)
Actual business plans compiled by, and aimed at, entrepreneurs seeking funding for small businesses. Presents sample plans taken from businesses in the manufacturing, retail and service industries which serve as examples of how to approach, structure and compose business plans. -site
Requires a JCLC card and residence in Birmingham, AL.
Databases - Company Research
Company profiles, brand information, rankings, investment reports, histories, chronologies. Detailed news and information on companies and industry.
Requires a JCLC card.
A database of resources for the modern businessman, Business Source Premier contains full-text articles from more than 1,000 newspapers and magazines on business topics, management, economics, finance, banking, and accounting.
Requires a JCLC card.
Business Development Organizations - State and Local
The Alabama Association of Nonprofits (AAN) was founded in 1996 under its former name of the Nonprofit Resource Center of Alabama as a collaborative effort of Alabama Power Company, the United Way of Central Alabama and the Community Foundation of Greater Birmingham. Our mission is a simple one – to strengthen the capacity of Alabama's nonprofit sector through professional development, advocacy and management support, all resulting in better communities and a stronger Alabama.
Business Directories - State and Local
blkLSTed is Birmingham's black business and nonprofit directory. The directory is listed on the Urban Impact Website, where other resources can be found for Black business owners.
This database is maintained by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). The database can be used to search for procurement information in multiple ways by using any or all of the following types of information about the small businesses profiled in the system. It is not necessary to fill out every part of the form. You must, however, enter sufficient search criteria to limit the results to 5,000 firms or less, so as not to bog down the system and adversely affect other users. Businesses can be searched for using any of the following search criteria: location (state, congressional district, metropolitan statistical area) ownership data (U.S. Citizen owned, minority owned, veteran owned, etc.) federal certifications (SBA 8(a) certification) industry sector codes (NAICS, "Buy Green" NAICS) business type (manufacturing, construction, etc.) keywords minimum acceptable bonding level(s) quality certifications (ISO-9000, etc.) security clearance EDI capabilities unique identifiers (CAGE code, DUNS, EIN, SBA Customer Number, etc.)
The guide was produced to give new business owners a general overview of the different areas of taxation required by the State of Alabama. Please note that this brochure was produced as a guide and it is not the final word on Alabama law.
This guidebook addresses the fundamental issues of starting and operating a small business in Alabama. It was published by the Alabama Small Business Development Network at the University of Alabama.
Page Last Modified: 4/4/2024 12:12 PM